Sunday, August 8, 2010

vegan crumble coffee cake

Ahhh... the joys of a quiet house on a beautiful Sunday morning - nothing gets better than oats and coffee in the morning.

The husband enjoys sleeping in a while on Sunday mornings, while my body clock tells me to wake up at 6 a.m. every morning. Do I mind? Definitely not. I love some Chelsey time in the morning to eat, read some blogs, and catch up with the world.

This morning I decided to try the coffee we bought while we were in Mexico. The shop we bought it from was amazing - it was a chocolate cafe and had so many delectable things such as coffees, ice creams, cacao nibs, chocolate covered cacao beans... well, you get the picture.

This coffee was very good. I like pretty strong coffee, and I figured out the husband likes mild coffee, so I only made enough for myself this morning. It wasn't too strong, but the flavor was incredible. Mildly bitter with a nutty chocolate aftertaste. That is my kind of coffee!

Next up was how any other morning should start: with vegan overnight oats. These honestly do not ever get old, and I remember how I was afraid to try them at first. You can read about my first experience with them here. This made me want to go back and read through my archives - I love having my little diary. :)

i may or may not be obsessed with the color yellow.
the husband is not - so i find sneaky ways to accent it in our home.

topped with blueberries, strawberries, cinnamon, peanut butter, and coconut

i'm glad i'm going to WF soon - my coconut supply is running very low!

I just can't get over how beautiful food is - I love having this blog so I can appreciate the good fuel which goes into my body.

Okay, I'll get to the recipe now since I have been teasing you with overnight oats when really you just want to see a coffee cake recipe.

Vegan Crumble Coffee Cake inspired by Vegan Yum Yum

"crumb" topping:
  • 3/4 cup flour (i used GF)
  • 2/4 cup oat flour (i used the proccessor to grind oats)
  • 1/4 cup oats (I used GF)
  • 8 tbsp. vegan margarine
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
coffee cake:
  • 1 1/4 cup flour (I used a combo of GF and oat flour)
  • 1/4 cup turbinado (also known as Sugar in the Raw)
  • pinch of baking soda (you can also use 1/s tsp. baking powder)
  • 1/3 cup applesauce
  • 1/3 cup almond milk + 1 tsp lemon juice (mix together and let sit for 10 minutes)
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • extra cinnamon for sprinkling
How it's Done:
  1. Create your crumb topping first. Start by melting the margarine on the stovetop or in the microwave. Combine brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix the melted margarine into the sugar. Slowly stir in the flour.
  2. Set aside for 10 minutes while coffee cake is made.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
this wasn't as "crumbly" as I would have liked, but it worked! in the future, i would add more flour.
4. Combine the "dry" ingredients in a separate mixing bowl (flour, sugar, baking soda) and mix well.
5. Add in the "wet" ingredients (vanilla, applesauce, almond milk) and stir until blended. Do NOT overmix.

i love this baking dish - it's from crate and barrel in case you were wondering!
 6. Spray your 8x8 or 9x6 baking dish with cooking spray of your choice.
7. Evenly spread the dough on the bottom of the dish. It may look like it's not enough, but it really rises up. (Just go with it!)
8. Sprinkle cinnamon over the dough for some extra flavor!
9. Spread "crumble" mixture over the top of the dough. I was going to do this in little chunks, but the mixture was too soupy.
10. Bake in oven for 40-45 minutes.

vegan crumble coffee cake
Doesn't this look divine? It is the perfect weekend treat! I originally was going to make it for the husband this morning, but I am bringing it over to his parent's house after church as they are having some family over. I, of course, had to try a piece! Sometimes when I make new recipes I insist upon trying them before anyone else eats it. That way when I tell them it's gluten free and vegan they aren't afraid to try different things!

Enjoy your Sundays everyone! Guess where I'm going today! I'll give you a little hint! Recap to follow tonight.

Question: Have you ever tried a new recipe and did not get the reaction you thought you would? Good or bad, share it all!


  1. This recipe looks great! I love your yellow cute!

  2. Brian and I are the same way. When he finally gets out of bed, I've been up for hours! It's not a bad thing though - the alone time to read and blog is good for our marriage!

  3. i tried oats in a jar and altho it was good it wasent as "OMG THIS IS INCREDIBLE" as i thought it would be!!!

    mmm coffee cake crumble. i used to go bananas over coffee cakes! especially ones with icing frizzles ontop <3

  4. Peaceful mornings are my faaaaaavorite thing. I wake up before everyone else in my house, and I love being able to make my breakfast and read my bloggies in peace :)

    Recipe reactions? Hmmm. I haven't made anything new for a while, but I remember the first time I tried making banana soft-serve... It was soooo much better than I thought it was going to be... seriously reminded me of ice cream, and everyone else was shocked as well.

  5. I like getting reactions from my parents when they try something new.

    Although they weren't fans of almond butter...

    Girl, I just read through the wedding recap and I'm sooooo glad it all went well! Hooray! It looked like you had a great day and honeymoon! Congrats again! :)

  6. That looks delicious! I love coffee cake, and I love how you made this version so tummy-friendly! :D

    I keep messing up my attempt at a GF breakfast loaf. Sigh. I shall master it someday! :D (It comes out like a brick every time.)

  7. Yes! The cake indeed looks divine! It's definitely the perfect treat for a lazy sunday. Mmmm...paired with some coffee...

  8. Who doesn't love coffee cake? I've definitely had a few recipe fails, but I usually eat them anyway. You have to have some failures before success!
