Tuesday, July 13, 2010

veggie fest discovery

There have been many times in my life where I have been upset about the location in which I live. Don't get me wrong, I love the Chi - but its suburbs are not very veggie or allergy friendly. I can imagine my life on the beaches of California, eating at a vegan cafe and soaking up the sun. That's just my dream - unfortunately FH will not go for it.

You can imagine my excitement when I found a veggie friendly food festival today which is located in Naperville, only a 30 minute drive from me. Veggie Fest will be here August 7-8, and I am pumped! I will have just gotten back from my honeymoon - so we are making it back just in the nick of time. Veggie Fest is described as, "the largest free vegetarian food festival in the USA!" SCORE!!!

Anyone want to come?

I was boiling this morning when I woke up... on the couch.... my room was far too warm last night. Thankfully, I had something cold and refreshing waiting for me in the fridge.

i'm trying to get more creative with the breakfast photos since they are repeats most of the time...

This morning was spent running around while the kiddos were in VBS - FH and I had to go get our marraige liscence! I was feeling totally stressed out earlier today. I'm not sure why - I just had this overwhelming feeling that I wasn't going to finish everything I need to. I let myself freak out for about 10 minutes, and then I tell myself to get over it. It works like a charm every time.

Snacks this morning included some almonds and a piece of zucchini bread (which I am NOT posting the recipe for. It's just "meh" - it's really dense. Any suggestions on how to make it better?)

Lunch was spent pool side at my aunt's - I packed pb&j's for the kids, and a salad for me.

this was taken about 1/2 way through.. I got too excited.

getting in touch with my inner child
We were on our way home when we saw this....

When we got home at 3, I was ravenous! I was in major need of a snack... STAT!

chips and hummus

really delicious pink lady apple
Dinner was okay, one of my staple meals - stir fry veggies and brown rice. I love adding stewed tomatoes to my veggies - it adds a lot of flavor.

Currently I am still feeling a little snacky - I am feeling a large dessert coming on tonight. But for now, I have to go shopping with FH for ceiling fans. Yahoo!!!
Question: What is one of your favorite go to dinners?


  1. VEGGIE FEST!! omg yes!! now u can experience the fun and excitement that i had at my fest! hopefully urs has better food for better prices too!! lol

    love soups or stirfries for go to dinners.. oh and sweet potato fries in the oven.. baked nice and crispy <3 YUM

  2. Oh crap! If I weren't gone for that weekend, I'd soooooo go have a blogger meetup with you!!! Nooooo! If you find anything like that again, def let me know!

  3. Ohh what kind of crackers are those? They look good! And that breakfast looks way delish! :)

  4. If I lived near you I would TOTALLY come to veggie fest! It sounds like a food blogger's dream!
    p.s. I don't like red delicious apples either :)

  5. @LizLivingVegan They are Crunchmaster crackers!!! I get them from Costco - gluten free and delish!!!

  6. go to dinner=chalupas...we always have the ingredients!! And I have heard of "banana/zucchini bread"..so maybe you could try a recipe with both in it..it may make it better..i'm really not 100% sure though!!! and i wanta veggie fest. :( you will have soo much fun!!!

  7. fav go to dinner- omelet or pizza!! brussels sprouts and sweet taters are always a must too!!
    love your inner child!! haha! juicy juice ROCKS.

  8. Visiting CA is a close second to getting to live here :)

  9. Veggie Fest- I wish we had something like that up here! sooo jealous :)
    Fav go to dinner? hmmm probably massive salads with tons of veggies I have kicking around.

  10. I love vegetables!! YUUUUM! Stir fries are so awesome, but I haven't figured out the exact art of making a good stir fry yet.

    My go to dinner is any kind of egg dinner or something with sweet potatoes.

  11. oh that veggie fest sounds like it will be great!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! The B&B was in Maine!

  12. @Simply Life I have family in Maine! Someday when we visit, I'll put you on my list :)

  13. I think that was a very creative breakfast photo. :)

    My go to dinner is always chicken and pasta related.

  14. I don't think I'm capable of taking an attractive overnight oats picture, it's so depressing.

    I'm having stir-fry tonight! It's the best way to use up all the random veggies in my fridge.

  15. Stir fry, pizza, and spaghetti are always a go to meal in our house!

    An afternoon by the pool sounds so wonderful!

  16. I think stir fries are like basically everyone's go-to dinner. I know they're mine! I've been eating them every few days for the past couple of weeks. They taste great and clean out the fridge, so what's not to love? Another great one is a baked sweet potato with nut butter and a veggie burger on the side.

  17. I like a dense zucchini bread as long as it is moist...nothing is worse then a dry piece of bread. I usually always whip up my egg whites separately and then gently fold them in.
    I also use applesauce in my sweet breads, but that probably doesn't help much for density, just moistness.
    Just keep trying.

  18. I want to go to veggie fest!!! I would love to go, that sounds awesome!Lucky you :)
