Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday!

Can I start off by saying that I slept like a rock last night? No joke - I usually get up at least once to empty the bladder, but nothing last night! Needless to say, I woke up with an intense urge to use the bathroom (sorry - too much h2o) - but I was more than well rested.

There was once a day when I was afraid to try overnight oats. Why you ask? I don't know - maybe I was "scared" to go outside of the realms of my usual bowl of oats. I am starting to get into another rut with these overnight oats, but I honestly cannot get past how good it is. I want NEED this bowl of oats every morning. Any suggestions on how to change up this bowl of overnight oats?

i tend to change the bowl by the way the bloobs are positioned - yes, i know.. pathetic.

This morning, like most mornings, was spent running around while the kiddos (the sister's, not mine!) were off my hands for a few hours. I managed to spend far too much money in a short amount of time. I also did some speed work this morning! I forgot my stop watch, so I have no splits, but I can assure you, I probably did not get any faster than before. When I got home, I needed to take a quick shower and a snack because I was STARVING!!

zucchini bread, grapes (there were more than 3 haha), and some unpictured almonds.
Lunch was a huge spinach salad with some zucchini, carrots, and hummus on the side.

The kids were super wet from a water game they played this morning, so I didn't want them on the couches, so we took a walk (3 miles round trip!) to go get ice cream.
it was this melted in about 1 minute - over 90 degrees today!!

On the way home, I heard a few of the following phrases:

  • "It's sooooo hooooooot!"
  • "My feet aren't working!"
  • "The next time you go get ice cream, if we walk, I'm not coming!"
  • "I might diiiieeeee before we get home!"
  • "Why isn't the outside air conditioned?"
  • "If I do die on the way home, are you just going to leave me on the side of the road?"

Whine whine whine... complain complain complain.

we stopped to look at some frogs in the creek

When we got home, I also made sure to throw my hands in the air, look up at the sky, and scream, "CAN YOU BELIEVE WE MADE IT HOME ALIVE? YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!" Sometimes, my niece and nephew think I am insane. They were not amused.

Snack time was a big juicy apple..

At about the time I was eating this, I found out my friend (and future cousin) Mandi had her baby today! Travis Luke was born around 12-1 p.m. (I have to find out the real time) and was a 9 pounder! Mommy and baby are doing just fine - I spoke with her around 4:30. I didn't think she was going to answer he phone, I really just wanted to leave her a voicemail. Needless to say, I was in tears all afternoon and am so excited to meet this new baby boy! I can't believe she's finally a mommy! I get goosebumps just thinking about it!
I am sorry to report that I do not have a picture of my iced coffee from Starbucks or my dinner when I went out with my parents. Mom and Dad wanted to get pizza tonight, and they asked me if I would like to go. I always love to go out to eat, but they just don't have much for me to eat. I went anyways, got a huge chopped slads (I think I have OD'ed on veggies the past couple of days) and a side of steamed broccoli with marinara on top.
We went by my house to check out the paint progress - it looks great! When we got home, I needed a snack...

chocolate protein muffin, raisins, pb spoon

I also have to show you how I eat raisins and peanut butter.
don't judge me - it's delicious.

Question: Is there a food you have ever "od'ed" on before? Believe it or not, I once ate so much peanut butter in one day that I couldn't eat it for over a week! :gasp:


  1. That's how I am with sweets some times- I'll just eat sooo much that all I want the next day or two are just savory things. Which is unusual for me... ;)

    "my feet aren't working" I love it! And think I've used that one... but when I was 22. And overserved...

  2. YAY congrats to your cousin! that is soo exciting :)
    hilarious about babysitting. i totally know what you mean! atleast the ice cream made it worth it.
    hmm do you cook egg whites in your oats ? if you dont.. DO IT!!! ITS THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!

  3. i totally o'd' on sweet potatoes a few times. i had 4 big ones once.. and i mean BIG ones. also had a whole jar of almond butter in a day.. hmm and most fruits ive overdone.. like whole pineapples or whole bags of grapes and cherries.

    haha i would have been one complaining "its so hot.. im bored.. im tired.. i wanna go home" ;)

    the ice cream reminds me of EXACTLY what i loved as kid- uno when it starts melting a little bit yet its still got an ice cream texture.. so like the center is cold but the sun makes the outside a little warm.. mmm something about that always tastes the best!! weird i know. lol

  4. I think I'm doing something wrong because your overnight oats always look so good but I keep trying them and I just don't love them...yet :)

  5. Angela at makes fancy overnight oats.

  6. @Simply Life i think it's just the fancy angle - they're not THAT pretty :)

  7. @Kelsey i love how you know exactly what i was thinking when i took that picture. :)

  8. I ALWAYS wake up because I have to pee - seriously, I can't sleep in because pee pains wake me up. TMI, but it feels good to get it out there :-P

    Hmm, you could try different flavored overnight oats with different fruit...OH MAN, YOU SHOULD TRY OATGURT! It was on Iowa Girl Eats...Just make regular hot oatmeal, and dump in a container of yogurt - SO GOOD!

    I od'ed on ravioli last night...I couldn't stop eating it! Now I never want to see it again.

  9. I defintly OD on a lot of food, not in quanity but on how often I eat. For instance, if im really loving butternut squash ill have it everyday for a month! Then i get sick of it and move on to then next food. lol

    Dana xo

  10. Once I ate an entire jar of artichoke hearts and now I feel sick whenever I think about them, ha ha. By the way, your niece and nephew are too funny! :D
