Friday, June 25, 2010

i know my calculus

it says you + me = us
No, I did not sing that song to my overnight oats this morning. Did I want to? Oh, heck yes! First of all, does everyone remember that song? If you think it sounds a little familiar, please google it and have a nice chuckle about the show you used to watch on MTV.
Overnight oats are never a let down. They're especially not a let down when topped with raspberries, coconut and peanut butter. My mom saw me making my breakfast this morning and said this just doesn't appeal to her tastebuds. She doesn't even know what she's missing. Cornflakes (her breakfast) are far too boring to inspire me for the day.

After consuming (or dominating in my book) this bowl of deliciousness, I started catching up on some blogs. Allie and I found out her sister and I are getting married on the same day! How fun!
I was reading over at My Marble Rye and she did a thank you to her friends, followed by the question for her giveaway: "What do you love about yourself?" This is a hard question for me. Not because I don't love myself, but because I tend to focus more on others than myself. It's always been in my nature to think about others first (thanks for teaching me that mom!), so I really had to think about it. I decided that I love how calm I am in stressful situations. Even if I am stressed on the inside, I really don't allow myself to seem/feel too stressed about things. Take, for example, the wedding. I am totally not stressed about it. Bridezilla? I wouldn't say so (maybe my bridesmaids would beg to differ - haha). I find if I am stressed out about things, it tends to make life less fun. Why worry about something when things are going to fan out the way they are supposed to no matter how hard you try to stop it? Just my two cents :) Anyways, she is giving away almond butter (drool), a green super food bar (droool), and a jar of PB2 (drooooooooooool).
Well, I am off to go enjoy this beautiful summer day. Perhaps a bike ride is in store for me? I kind of want to take it easy since I decided NOT to listen to my body yesterday.
I think it's a pool kind of day.... love summer.


  1. Thanks for the shoutout! You're so sweet :) That's awesome that you are so relaxed, especially about the wedding! The bachelorette party is this weekend so I'm a little stressed about the wedding stuff haha

  2. I wish I could go to the pool!! just found your site and I love your food philosophy!! Food is definitely the best natural medicine!

  3. I have no idea how people live off of plain cereal + milk for breakfast! That would leave me so unsatisfied (and still hungry!).

    That's awesome that you have such a chill attitude about your wedding preparations. That'll make the planning process so much easier for you! :)

  4. oh man, i wish my bestie had been that chill about her wedding...wasn't bridzilla but was ubber stressed! i know your's will be great though!

  5. How much do you loove overnight oats?! Sometimes I eat them for a snack in the middle of the day too! And the pool is so perfect on a summer afternoon :)

  6. @Megan Dlove love LOOOOOOOVE overnight oats.

    No, seriously. love them.

  7. i agree with you about the whole cornflakes thing! my dad eats honey nut cheerios or cornflakes. errday. i don't know how he does it!
    your oats look fantastical! i want them. i'll trade you some soup for some oats! ;)
