Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rappin' OIAJ

Oats in a jar
Oats in a jar
Lookin' so cool with my oats in a jar

With those oats in my mouth
and my spoon turned sideways
Oats in a jar

Walkin' to my room with those oats in a jar
What up nut butter?

Hey! Finish those oats in a jar!
Lookin' so cool!
Spoonin' and slurpin' those oats in a jar.

Hey! Fnish those oats in a jar!
Lookin' so cool with those oats in a jar.
With those oats in my mouth
and my spoon turned sideways

Call yourself an oatmeal addict!
Oats in a jar!
I'm not sure why, but yesterday when I decided I was going to have OIAJ, the song Pants on the Ground stuck into my head, and I started singing oats in a jar... but of course with new lyrics. :)
Question: Do you ever change song lyrics to entertain yourself?
PS: Lauren is having a great giveaway! She is in NYC right now and is giving away $10 to One Lucky Duck's online store! Go enter!


  1. I love this! I always do this to songs and make the lyrics apply to my life!

  2. LOL I've done that exact same thing before!!! Hilarious :)

  3. I change song lyrics when I don't know what the heck they are saying. I like the cute little song about oats.

  4. you are so cute.
    have u tried the infamous "breakfast cookie" recipe?
    reading anything new lately? i know u are busy busy!
    ever see that "friends" episode where Phoebe starts seeing the song from Elton John and sings "hold me closer Tony Danza"...(suppose to be "tiny dancer")..cute

  5. LOL you are too cute.
    In answer to your question, go check out the first line of my latest post- dare I say great minds sing alike? hehe

  6. nice rap!! I love it how we foodies are so fun with our food!! hope your gettin all excited for the wedding!!!!!

  7. @theemptynutjarI just finished The Solitude of Prime Number yesterday - I think you'd really like it! I requested Her Fearful Symmetry and The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake for my birthday!

  8. Cuuuuuute. I'm always channeling my inner musician by writing my own lyrics... But I still haven't tried OIAJ

  9. LOL!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!! I am kind of in love with you! CRACK ME UP! i have an entire freakin page on my blog dedicated to OIAJ.. so u KNOW i love this!
